Economically viable definition 479025-Economically viable easy definition
Define Economically Obsolete means (i) a Project occupied by Tenant which, for a period of the immediately preceding eight quarters, as of the end of any fiscal quarter, has a Rent Coverage Ratio of less than 125 to 1, as certified by a Responsible Officer of Tenant in writing to Landlord, having exercised reasonable business judgment in making its determination or (ii) a Project occupied byViable meaning 1 able to work as intended or able to succeed 2 able to continue to exist as or develop into a Learn morePracticable a viable plan;
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Economically viable easy definition
Economically viable easy definition- In this he defined an economically viable holding as one which is capable of producing enough food and income for a farm family The writer has questioned the logic as well as the economic validity of this definition in the past Historically, it is seen that this concept was introduced from the west where there was a more favourable landmanAnswer (1 of 3) Thanks for a2a, Zhang Any item, idea, product, procedure etc is assessed, critically analyzed and checked to confirm if it is doable and its commercial viability is backed up by high probability By commercially viable we mean its

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Economically viable English definition, grammar Glosbe Economic (6 days ago) Economically viable forest management is an absolute prerequisite for longterm sustainability MultiUn Use of a waste heat boiler for energy recovery, where technically and economically viable EurLex2 This has the potential to accelerate the future commercial viability of cellulosic ethanol," says Gainsborough "Ready to offer international markets a clean, renewable and economically viable solution" it is "a turning point in the search for alternative energy sources," adds Rubens Ometto Silveira Mello, Cosan's chairman of the BoardEconomically viable He thinks $600 per ton is the approximate breakeven price "Right now, if nitrogen is all you need, it probably will pay," Funderburg offers "If potassium and phosphorus are required, especially on marginal land, it might be questionable" The alternatives Both Funderburg and Redmon advise producers to frequently
A viable national economyEconomic viability of the processes at industrial scales depend on the complete cost of a CO 2 sorption process, entailing adsorbents, installation, plant commissioning, and operation costs In addition, fuel resources and the cost of CO 2 compression, transport, and storage are also important Factors for a sustainable CO 2 removal system include high capture capacity,Economically definition is in an economic or economical manner How to use economically in a sentence
Synonyms for economically viable include selfsupporting, independent, selfreliant, selfsufficient, selfsustaining, selfcontained, selfdependent, selfstanding, selfsubsistent and selfsubsisting Find more similar words at wordhippocom! Ores are types of rock deposits that contain enough metal to be economically viable for mining There are many ways to extract ore fromDevelopment of small fields which are not economically viable in case a manned installation option is chosen Metcalf, 1993 There is no one uniform definition for a NUI and thus these types of installations come in different varieties such as Installations that were initially permanently manned but have become unmanned eg due to remote operation or awaiting decommissioning at a later

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Economic textbook do not provide direct access to the subject, either Economic viability (EV) evidently does not belong to those technical terms for which a clearcut definition exists In dictionaries of current English, the explanation one finds under the entry viable is able to exist or capable of survivingThe development of an economically viable way to extract oil from oil shale would put a ceiling on oil prices and would extend the oil era by decades Because people like it, and there are still sufficient numbers of people who resist the seductions of socalled tastemakers to make aMost related words/phrases with sentence examples define Economically viable meaning and usage Log in Thesaurus for Economically viable Related terms for economically viable synonyms, antonyms and sentences with economically viable Lists synonyms antonyms

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Economic viability means that market operation is sustainable regarding current and projected revenues The revenues will be greater than or equal to all current and planned expenditures In simple terms, any project or activity that can financially support itself is economically viable Using farming as an example, economic viability refers toAdjective 1 Capable of working successfully;Search economically viable and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso You can complete the definition of economically viable given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster

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Economically definition, in a thrifty or frugal manner;Search economically viable and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso You can complete the definition of economically viable given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam WebsterDifference Between Feasibility and Viability 'Feasibility'Â vs 'Viability' If you are starting a business, planning an investment, or embarking on a project, it is necessary that you determine whether it is viable or even just feasible for that matter Knowing the feasibility and viability of an endeavor or business venture will help evaluate its sustainability and the success of the

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Many discussions of sustainable agriculture don't seriously address the economic viability of commercial agriculture Without a prevailing definition of economic viability as it relates to agriculture, I offer the following Economic viability means that the real returns from farming operations, relative to the farm's asset value and labor inputs, are competitive with other smallECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE Definition ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE means that the benefit of tracing the cost (greater accuracy) outweighs the cost of doing so Learn new Accounting Terms SPECULATOR is an investor who is willing to accept substantial risk for the possibility of a8 synonyms of viable from the MerriamWebster Thesaurus, plus 15 related words, definitions, and antonyms Find another word for viable Viable capable of being done or carried out

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To use something economically → mit etw wirtschaftlichSynonyms for economically in Free Thesaurus Antonyms for economically 38 synonyms for economical economic, fair, cheap, reasonable, modest, lowpriced, inexpensiveEconomic viability Designing Buildings Share your construction industry knowledge Viability is a measure of the likely success of a particular action or set of actions An assessment of economic viability is an evaluation of the various economic effects that may result from the implementation of a particular project This assessment will help decision makers decide whether a project is

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Viable meaning, definition, what is viable a viable idea, plan, or method can work Learn more • In recent years coal gasification has become increasingly economically viable due to technological developments • What was once an economically viable privilege becomes an economically unviable entitlementEconomically definition 1 using little money, time, etc 2 in a way that relates to a country's trade, industry, and Learn moreDefine economically economically synonyms, economically pronunciation, economically translation, English dictionary definition of economically adj 1 economically viable → rentabel;

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What's the definition of Economically viable in thesaurus? The Australian definition of Economically Viable could be taken to be supportive of money laundering in the forest industry Within the Australian definition no profitability is required Any amount of money from any source (eg Criminal activity) can be used to subsidise forest management, achieve economic viability and hence achieve FSCAnswer (1 of 5) For a running company or a new investment , the viability means that the returns are more than the cost of capital Otherwise , it is going to be loss making or even if it makes profit , it is less than a simple interest one earns from a bank , without much risk For a new inve

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Being economically viable doing Permaculture Design would be being successful as a Permaculture Designer Operating a successful enterprise that has been formed and informed (designed) with selected constraints in mindsuch as those constraints that a Permaculture Designer is likely to have in mind (obtain a yield, sustainability, ecologicallyEconomic sustainability or economic benefit of waste treatment technologies have been evaluated the assessments were done either via the idea of cost reduction in the form of energy consumption, land space acquiring and facility construction or the idea of revenue generation if the waste treatment process managed to generate energy (eg, WoonDefinition of viable adjective in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more

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Learn the definition of 'economically viable deposit' Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar Browse the use examples 'economically viable deposit' in the great English corpus Economic nationalism is the tried and true historical method for getting rich—economic nationalism works Second, it concentrated power in mercantile nations, as opposed to free traders History gives us lots of great examples, from many different times and places Chief among them being Venice, Great Britain, and ChinaTechnically viable energy saving potential in the public building sector stands at 42% or 152mtoe, of which 90% is economically viable and 58% financially viable45 49% of energy savings would come from space heating accounting for 60% of total

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Economically viable forest management is an absolute prerequisite for longterm sustainability MultiUn Use of a waste heat boiler for energy recovery, where technically and economically viable EurLex2 Objective of aid to make holdings more economically viable and diversify economic activities by EurLex2Define viable viable synonyms, viable pronunciation, viable translation, English dictionary definition of viable adj 1 Capable of success or continuing effectiveness;The main method for assessment of economic viability of a project is a CostBenefit Analysis (CBA) Costs and benefits are expressed as far as possible in monetary terms so that they can be compared on an equal level A project is assessed as economically viable if the project benefits exceed the project costs Understanding good practice

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Viable The word 'viable' is an adjective If something is viable, it means that it can work successfully If a company is viable, it means that we expect it to make a profit year after year Viable refers to anything or any situation which can carryThe most economically powerful state → die größte Wirtschaftsmacht (= thriftily) → sparsam;Feasible 'the proposed investment was economically viable' More example sentences 'This view is not derived from a sense of optimism, but from a realisation that viable alternatives need to be developed to reduce car usage and pollution' 'I looked at the Dem candidates and realized

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The factory is no longer economically viable Economically, the centre of Spain has lost its dominant role the economically active/inactive population (= those who are employed or available for work/those who are not) Changes have taken place both economically and politically Economically viable definition Economic means concerned with the organization of the money, industry , and trade of a Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesWith economy See more

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